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GOOD MORNING AND WELCOME TO WORSHIP. Grace Lutheran Church welcomes all as God's children, and with Christ's guidance offers a caring, friendly atmosphere for Worship, Spiritual Growth, Fellowship, and Education. We support the mission and programs of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and provide opportunities and challenges to serve the human and spiritual needs of our wider community.

-Worship Schedule-

8:00 AM Holy Communion Lutheran Book of Worship Setting II

9:15 AM Education Hour -Sunday School/Adult Forum

10:30 AM - Holy Communion Now the Feast and Celebration

Chidcare at Grace
is available Sundays from 7:45 to 11:45 a.m.
Christopher Young is our childcare provider. Our nursery is located in the Pearson Hall Education Building.
Ask an usher for directions!

Altar Flowers

Thanks go to the Dick and Phyllis Reininger
for providing Grace with the lovely gift of flowers this Sunday.

To the Glory of God and in loving memory of our parents:
Mr. & Mrs. F.W. Harder; Dr. & Mrs. Frederick Reininger.

All Saint's Sunday November 3rd 2002

"Prayer to Remember Loved Ones" Sign-up sheet is located in the Narthex"

In recognition of All Saint's Day the people of Grace would like to remember those who have gone before us. To this end, there is a sign-up sheet located in the Narthex where everyone is encouraged to write down a name, of a loved one, who will be remembered, in prayer, on All Saints Day.

Ten Key People of the Bible - Adult Forum Series


IT IS NOT UNCOMMON to hear someone exclaim, "What a character she (he) is!" when referring to some unforgettable person. The person usually has distinctive personality traits or behavior. Life is full of such characters, and in this study we are going to meet some of them. They are people who lived a long time ago, and were so memorable in the history of faith that their stories have been recorded in the Scriptures.

The ten key people we will meet are a diverse group. They are male and female, Jew and Gentile, warrior and homemaker, courageous and frightened, and faithful and unfaithful. But all of them have one thing in common. They all play an important role in God's plan of salvation for the world.

We will meet ten key people in five separate sessions. We will learn about their admirable qualities and what God accomplishes through them.

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Session 5

Abraham (Genesis 18:1-15)
Moses (Exodus 3:1-15)

Ruth (Ruth 1:1-18)
David (2 Samuel 7:1-29)

Deborah (Judges 4:1-24)
Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1:4-19)

Mary the mother of Jesus (Luke 1:26-38)
Mary the sister of Martha (Luke 10:38-42)

Peter (Matthew 16:13-23)
Paul (Acts 9:1-22)

The sixth session will help us summarize what we have learned as well as emphasize the study's application to our daily lives.

This course is designed to be user friendly. Bible scholars or Bible beginners - this is for you!

Taught by Pastor Howell.

Sunday School

In October we studied the story of Mary and Martha and participated in lots of activities about Hospitality. This month we will be studying the Sabboth. A Commandment. Come and join in Pearson Hall on Sundays during the Education Hour, 9:15-10:15 a.m!


The fourth annual Warm Coats for Kids drive sponsored by Congregations for Kids will take place here starting Sunday November 3rd. Please bring either new of very gently used warm coats or jackets to the big collection box in the narthex by Sunday, November 10th. Coats will be brought to the distribution center Tuesday November 12th.

Many of these children have only sweatshirts or light-weight jackets, so warm coats and warm jackets - fleece included - are much needed this winter. Gloves, mittens, and hats are also welcome.

For more information, please contact Judy (H.) Johnson at (425) 455-1271.
Thanks for helping!

Hello Grace,

What could be done with a digital camera at Grace Lutheran Church?? Imagine...

- Photos of the seniors group, harvest festival, youth ministry. Compass Center sandwich ministry, Sunday School classes, etc. can be added directly to our "Grace Notes" newsletter without mailing for film to develop!

- photos can be taken at a baptism, of new members as they are welcomed, and of youth as they are confirmed-instantly ready for a family to take home with them and instantly ready to put up on a church bulletin board.

- perhaps a photo directory???

- Creating a prayer trading card between children, youth, and adults for mentoring and deepening relationships within the congregation (a photo with 'statistics' and prayer requests updated monthly).

-Add photos to the church's website.

- Easily add photos to an email to send to our sister congregation in Petrikirke in Russia.

Imagine the possibilities….

We are desiring a digital camera for ministry at Grace Lutheran and asking for either a donation of an actual digital camera or financial donations to go specifically for purchase of a camera.

Please contact Jeffrey in the church office if you have interest in helping out or have connections that can help.

Thank you for your time'!

Peace in Christ,

~Leena Prindle
Director of Youth and Family Ministry
Grace Lutheran church Bellevue, WA


On behalf to the Stewardship and Finance Committees, thank you for the receptive welcome that you gave to those who met you or made visitations to your home during September. The information gathered and compiled form the surveys is posted in the Narthex and is available in the church office. It will be particularly helpful in guiding the church council and committees in the months ahead to further serve your needs. Look forward to continuing dialogue on a number of topics form thesurvey. Your frank feedback is truly appreciated.

Also, a special thank you for the positive financial response received so far. For those of you who have not yet sent in your financial commitment cards, it is not too late. You may drop your sealed envelope into the offering plate at Sunday service or mail it to the church financial secretary (as addressed on the envelope). These cards are particularly helpful to the council as it formulates the operating budget for 2003. We need your input.

Grace Stewardship Committee

Elementary Carnival
November 1st and 2nd

Parents please register your K - 5 children for this event by Wednesday October 23rd. Cost $15. Contact Megan Johnson

Coming soon...

"Operation Baby King" is the name of our new Christmas- Pageant this year! We will be starting practices the third week in November, on the 17th. The practices will be during our normal Education Hour, 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. We will start up our curriculum again after the New Year.

Russia Auction Sunday - April 6, 2003

"We're rolling onward"

The Auction packets for each family in the congregation containing information about donations and procurement are in the Narthex. Please pick yours up if you haven't already done so.

Recurring Events


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