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GOOD MORNING AND WELCOME TO WORSHIP. Grace Lutheran Church welcomes all as God's children, and with Christ's guidance offers a caring, friendly atmosphere for Worship, Spiritual Growth, Fellowship, and Education. We support the mission and programs of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and provide opportunities and challenges to serve the human and spiritual needs of our wider community.

-Worship Schedule-

8:00 AM Holy Communion Lutheran Book of Worship Setting II

9:15 AM Education Hour -Sunday School/Adult Forum

10:30 AM - Holy Communion Now the Feast and Celebration

Chidcare at Grace
is available Sundays from 7:45 to 11:45 a.m.
Christopher Young is our childcare provider. Our nursery is located in the Pearson Hall Education Building.
Ask an usher for directions!

"Operation Baby King" Christmas-Pageant Today!

We will be starting practices the third week in November, on the 17th.
The practices will be during our normal Education Hour, 9:15 to 10:15 a.m.

We will start up our curriculum again after the New Year.


A poinsettia signup sheet is available in the Narthex.
Cost $15 per plant

You are invited to help Grace purchase the Poinsettias used in decorating the sanctuary. After Christmas Eve serrvice you may take your plant home. Also, you can dedicate your poinsettia to a loved one.

GLC Book Group

The GLC Book Discussion Group has selected the book, Pope Joan by Donna Woolfolk Cross for discussion in January. A woman pope? The author's notes state that more than fivehundred ancient manuscripts contain accounts of Joan's papcy. Read this novel about the life of an amazing woman and learn about church history in the Middle Ages as well. See you iun church library on Janury 16th at 1:30 p.m.

Book titles for months ahead:

Christmas Offering

The Church Council has designated the ELCA World Hunger Appeal as the recipient of the Christmas offering. These funds help hungry people at home and around the world through relief, education, and long-term development.

Senior "Movie Classics" - December


The next regular meeting will be in January, on the third Thursday at 1:30 p.m., in the Fireside Room.

  • Movie title, TBA, snacks provided.

    Reports for the Annual Meeting of the Congregation
    January 26, 2003

  • The annual meeting of the congregation will be upon us shortly. As such, it would be wise for those in leadership roles to begin preparing.

    If you are a leader of a committee and will be expected to turn in a report to the congregation, please begin the process now.

    All reports are due on January 12th. No late reports will be accepted (late reports will have to be added as addenda and will be considered as the last item of business at the meeting. It will be the responsibility of the person submitting a late report to copy and distribute it). Those with computers are encouraged to e-mail their reports to the church at

    Please submit reports, electronically, in an MS Word 95 format. (If you need to have your report typed, then please submit no later than January 5th.)

    Thank You! GLC Staff

    OfferingEnvelopes 2003

    The year 2003 Offering Envelopes will be made available, in the Narthex, beginning on December 15th.

    Please locate your box of envelopes by looking on clipboard, sign off on the clipboard that you have received the envelopes, and then go to the table and remove the box with the appropriate name and number.

    If you had expected to receive envelopes and do not find your name on the list, please contact the church office at 425-454-4344 and envelopes will be provided. Thank you!

    Grace Brigade

    The "Grace Brigade" is a new group, which welcomes members of the congregation of all ages, who would like to visit our members whom are sick or homebound and unable to attend Sunday services. Since we have more members in need of visitation than Pastor Howell can visit by himself each week - and that number gets larger all the time - the Brigade members would supplement his visits and help our household friends feel more connected to the congregation as a whole. Pastor Howell will also train the Brigade members and provide them with supplies to share communion!

    This is a wonderful opportunity to get involved, to provide a much-needed service, and even to earn some community service hours if you are a high school student. If you would like to be a part of this new team, please contact Danna Syltebo at (425) 455-8237 to get started.

    Coming soon...

    Russia Auction Sunday - April 6, 2003

    "We're rolling onward"

    The Auction packets for each family in the congregation containing information about donations and procurement are in the Narthex. Please pick yours up if you haven't already done so.

    Recurring Events


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