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GOOD MORNING AND WELCOME TO WORSHIP. Grace Lutheran Church welcomes all as God's children, and with Christ's guidance offers a caring, friendly atmosphere for Worship, Spiritual Growth, Fellowship, and Education. We support the mission and programs of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and provide opportunities and challenges to serve the human and spiritual needs of our wider community.

-Worship Schedule-

8:00 AM - LBW Holy Communion Setting II

9:15 AM - Education Hour (Sunday School & Adult Forum)

10:30 AM - Holy Communion Now the Feast and Celebration

Chidcare at Grace
is available Sundays from 7:45 to 11:45 a.m.
Peter Young is our childcare provider. Our nursery is located in the Pearson Hall Education Building.
Ask an usher for directions!

Lenten Wednesdays
for Kids!

You may be asking, what is this season called Lent that the church celebrates? Come and find out every Wednesday from March 12th through April 9th. We will be learning about Lent through crafts, games, and various activities! There will also be a soup and bread dinner provided. Join us starting at 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.!

Lent Wednesday Classes for Preschool - Adult

Adult Study Time:
Recognizing the Stranger

  • In the gospel of Luke there is a wonderful story about the resurrected Jesus meeting two disciples on the Road to Emmaus. (Luke 24:13-35) It is one of the most vivid and intriguing stories on the New Testament. But it is also disturbing. If the risen Christ walking and talking with two of his disciples is unrecognizable, how are you and I going to ever recognize God's presence with us today? The stranger comes suddenly out of nowhere. Maybe we recognize him; maybe we don't. But it was when the disciples invited the unknown Jesus in to have dinner that the stranger became the friend. Join us for a five-part series on Wednesday evenings; Hope and Hospitality: the Stranger in our Midst. Then the Adults will go up to the Fireside room for 45 minutes of Group Time. The children will stay in Pearson. We'll all be back together at 7:30 for Vespers in the Fireside Room. Hope you can join us and invite a friend!
  • Preschool thru 5th grade

    What is this season called LENT all about? Why does the church celebrate it? Come and find out! We will be learning about LENT through crafts, games, and various activities!

    Grades 6-12th Grade

    We'll be following the themes of hospitality and strangers in our midst. You have just as much impact, as anyone else does, when it comes to sharing faith and Jesus. Join us and be so bold as to bring a friend!



    March 12—April 9

    • 6:00 p.m. -- Soup and Bread

    • 6:45 p.m. -- Education Hour (for all ages)

    • 7:30 p.m. -- Vespers Worship

    Russia Auction Sunday - April 6, 2003

    Friday, March 21: deadline for Mini-Live auction/Lunch reservations.

    Sunday, March 23: Last day to submit procurement forms and items.

    MS & HS Youth: please volunteer to help at the Auction Lunch (get community service credit!) Contact: Anna Howell - 562-1759

    Holden Village
    Grace Group Trip
    This Summer
    July 21-28

    Plans are underway for another group trip to Holden Village. Cost per person for the week is:

    Adults: $303
    Age 12-17: $242
    Age 4-11: $152
    Age 0-3: $76

    This fee pays for room, board, program, and activities. Sheets are available in the Narthex and in the office with general info about Holden and "what to bring".

    This year's summer theme is: "For the Healing of the World". As Holden write in their newsletter. " We must examine the sickness and suffering of our world and of our lives-the physical ills as well as the economic, social, political, environmental, and spiritual struggles that effect people around the world. We will study how God heals, in scripture and in our lives. We will consider the roles of confession, forgiveness, reconciliation, and salvation in healing." Added to this are the always available hikes, pottery, basket making, weaving and wonderful worship. Specially programmed activities for children, ages three through High School are available in the mornings to free parents for sessions.

    Space is limited so be sure to check out the sign up sheets in the narthex or office. Talk to Pastor Howell for more information.

    Vacation Bible School 2003-"Spirit Life"'

    This year for VBS we will be joining with St. Luke's Lutheran Church in hosting Camp Lutherwood Day Camp! Four highly-qualified college age counselors will be coming to Grace and leading your children in learning all about "Spirit Life." They will have small group, crafts, off-site field trips, singing, snack, and Bible study times. The date for this event will be August 11-15. It will start at 9am and go till 3:30pm everyday. Registration for this event is $80. Scholarships available upon request.

    For further information or questions, please contact Rebecca Lee at (425)-454-4344 or e-mail her at

    Coming soon...

    Recurring Events


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