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Grace Lutheran Church -welcomes all as God's children and with Christ's guidance offers a caring, friendly atmosphere for worship, spiritual growth, fellowship and education. We support the mission and programs of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and provide opportunities and challenges to serve the human and spiritual needs of our wider community.

-Summer Worship Schedule-

9:30 AM - Holy Communion adapted from With One Voice

Chidcare at Grace
is available Sundays from 9:20 to 10:45 a.m.
Peter Young is our childcare provider. Our nursery is located in the Pearson Hall Education Building.
Ask an usher for directions!

Live at Coffee Hour

July 6 - Join us to watch or participate in making and baking bread for communion!
If you are interested please call Gail D'Alessio, 455-0457.

Please come and join us as we celebrate Holy Communion each Sunday. Be fed with heavenly food. Then "Go In Peace and Serve the Lord." Our Lord invites all who are baptized to join him at his table!

The Liturgy and the Church Year!

Here at Grace, just as with most other Lutheran parishes, we use a style of Liturgy, which changes with the Church Calendar. As a worshiper you'll note that settings, themes, and moods change as the church year progresses.

Now is the season of Penecost - the longest season of the church year. In Penecost the risen Christ, who promises to return one day and establish His kingdom on earth, must leave His sheep for a time. But like any good shepherd, He promises not to let His sheep go astray. To this end, He sent the Holy Spirit to give life to the "Body", the church. Sundays following Penecost are green for growth of the church.

Take note as the church year progresses (Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, and Pentecost). Note how both the colors and the mood change. Note how these changes affect the style of worship.

Peace, Pastor Howell

Community Family Night in the Park
at Meydenbauer Beach Park
July 16th and August 13th
3 to 8 p.m.

Enjoy a BBQ picnic meal, games, and relaxation.

Grace Seniors travel to "Minter Garden" in beautiful British Columbia. All are welcome! The church van will be leaving from Grace at 7:30 am, don't be late. If more than can fit in the van wish to go, volunteers will be needed to drive.

P.S. Don't forget your passport or birth certificate.
It is required when crossing the border!

Holden Village
Grace Group Trip
This Summer
July 21-28

Plans are underway for another group trip to Holden Village. Cost per person for the week is:

Adults: $303
Age 12-17: $242
Age 4-11: $152
Age 0-3: $76

This fee pays for room, board, program, and activities. Sheets are available in the Narthex and in the office with general info about Holden and "what to bring".

This year's summer theme is: "For the Healing of the World". As Holden write in their newsletter. " We must examine the sickness and suffering of our world and of our lives-the physical ills as well as the economic, social, political, environmental, and spiritual struggles that effect people around the world. We will study how God heals, in scripture and in our lives. We will consider the roles of confession, forgiveness, reconciliation, and salvation in healing." Added to this are the always available hikes, pottery, basket making, weaving and wonderful worship. Specially programmed activities for children, ages three through High School are available in the mornings to free parents for sessions.

Vacation Bible School 2003-"Spirit Life"'

This year for VBS we will be joining with St. Luke's Lutheran Church in hosting Camp Lutherwood Day Camp! Four highly-qualified college age counselors will be coming to Grace and leading your children in learning all about "Spirit Life." They will have small group, crafts, off-site field trips, singing, snack, and Bible study times. The date for this event will be August 11-15. It will start at 9am and go till 3:30pm everyday. Registration for this event is $80. Scholarships available upon request.

For further information or questions, please contact Rebecca Lee at (425)-454-4344 or e-mail her at

Coming soon...

Recurring Events

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